Shadow priests: While shadow priests boost the mana of a group, they need mana themselves to continue casting.Here are two good places to put a resto shaman:

Where you place the shaman will depend on the other classes in your raid.

Shaman are also sometimes placed in the main tank group to provide the tank with totems necessary for a particular encounter. Resto shaman can either boost the DPS of a group or increase mana regeneration. In which group should I put a resto shaman? If you have a question about a specific item, please send me a private message. Staves and off-hands are also more beneficial to priests and druids. If the cloth or leather gear has spirit, it’s probably of more use to a priest or druid. This is particularly true if there is no spirit on the cloth or leather gear. Sometimes a cloth or leather item is better than the available mail items for a slot. Should I let shaman roll on cloth or leather gear? You will want to make sure the shaman puts an Earth Shield on the main tank, another player who will take damage or someone who needs protection against spell interruption. However, this role is better filled by a priest or paladin. Shaman can heal a single target, such as the main tank. In a 25-man raid, you should see their chain heal constantly jumping from player to player. Assign them to heal melee or simply keep the entire raid topped off. Shaman are best at healing multiple targets that are standing near each. So, instead of saving 19 mana per Chain Heal (17 mana with Tier 6) you will now save 20 mana. It will not be correctly applied before talents and set bonuses. Unlike all the other relics, this one was being applied after talents and set bonuses. Characters will now retain talented spell ranks so when they retalent they do not have to relearn the spells from trainers.

Living earth shoulders tbc Patch#
* Updated spell haste section with new mechanics in Patch 2.4 (3/26/200 I hope this post can become just as valuable as the enhancement and elemental threads with your feedback and suggestions. If you find any typos or small errors, please send me a private message so I can make corrections. You can use Ctrl-F to quickly find any of the sections below or to search the first page of the post.

This is the spot to discuss everything about healing as a shaman.
Living earth shoulders tbc how to#
Link to the actual guide: How to Heal like a Pro - Elitist Jerks I do not claim credit for this work, nor am I trying to. Once again, just posting some useful information that some people may not know.